Build a Sound Warm-Up Routine

From Justin Parsons On July 31, 2022
Ask any tour pro and they'll tell you that their pre-round warm-up is very different than their typical practice session. Generally speaking, in practice, the focus is on improving technique and swing mechanics. This is never something you want to focus on as you prepare for a round of golf. When you play, you need to have your mind calm and free, not obsessing over club positions and swing thoughts.

That time leading up to your first tee shot should be about two things – getting your
... body loose and ready to swing the club, and getting your mind prepared for the specific challenges you're about to face on the course. As Titleist staff member Justin Parsons shares in this video, the warm-up should be reserved for getting you into play mode, as prepared physically and mentally as you possibly can in order to play your best over the course of the next several hours. If you follow Justin's advice and develop a pre-round routine that warms up your body warm and focuses your mind, you'll have won half the battle before you even hit your first tee shot.
Ask any tour pro and they'll tell you that their pre-round warm-up is very different than their typical practice session. Generally speaking, in practice, the focus is on improving technique ... and swing mechanics. This is never something you want to focus on as you prepare for a round of golf. When you play, you need to have your mind calm and free, not obsessing over club positions and swing thoughts.

That time leading up to your first tee shot should be about two things – getting your body loose and ready to swing the club, and getting your mind prepared for the specific challenges you're about to face on the course. As Titleist staff member Justin Parsons shares in this video, the warm-up should be reserved for getting you into play mode, as prepared physically and mentally as you possibly can in order to play your best over the course of the next several hours. If you follow Justin's advice and develop a pre-round routine that warms up your body warm and focuses your mind, you'll have won half the battle before you even hit your first tee shot.
74 Videos
  1. Instructor
  2. Brad Faxon
  3. Dr. Mo Pickens
  4. Cameron McCormick
  5. James Sieckmann
  6. Mark Blackburn
  7. Michael Breed
  8. Trillium Rose
  9. Jonathan Yarwood
  10. Dave Phillips
  11. Brandon Stooksbury
  12. Justin Parsons
  13. Layne Savoie
  14. Dr. Rob Neal
  15. Dr. Greg Rose
  16. Skip Guss
  17. Jason Baile
  18. John Kostis
  19. Jennifer Hudson
  20. Ryan Hager
  21. Corey Lundberg
  22. Tom Patri
  1. Club
  2. Driver
  3. Fairway
  4. Hybrid
  5. Utility Iron
  6. Iron
  7. Wedge
  8. Putter
  1. Drill
  2. Fundamentals
  3. Shot Shaping
  4. Anti-hook
  5. Anti-slice
  6. Alignment
  7. Tight Lie
  8. Long Rough
  9. Bunker Play
  10. Consistency
  11. Distance Control
  12. Trajectory

Build a Sound Warm-Up Routine

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