June 18, 2012 At 10:37 PM By Brett M
Brett MSt. Agatha, ON
How long for a set of customs irons to come if the shafts aren't stock but standard, my friend wants to order a set through our golf course but wonders how long it will take for custom irons to come?
Mitch DRichmond Hill, ON
Hi Brett,
Thank you for the question.
If the irons are comprised of components (shafts, grips etc) that our Custom Club Team in California have in stock it should take about 7-10 business days from the time we receive the order from your golf course. Again, that is based on the assumption that all components needed are in stock. I just checked with our club team now and our component inventory for irons is looking pretty good in California at the moment.
Your golf course who is placing the order can call into our customer service team once sending the order in to double check that lead time for your friend.
We hope this helps!
Thanks to you and your friend for trusting Titleist.
Mitch D - Team Titleist Canada
Bradley LMississauga, ON
California has been really fast this year! I've put custom orders through and they come in 4 or 5 business days! Tell your friend order away!Brad
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