Hey Team,
Obviously most of us are aware of the poor decision to close golf in Ontario again.
Yesterday the gov faced extreme backlash on closing outdoor activities, especially from the medical community.
Several petitions arrived and they are opening playgrounds and parks again.
25 yrs encouraging people to take up golf for mobility, mental health, increased physical well being and more.
The closures of golf, and pickle ball and tennis are terrible for seniors and general population as a resource to keep moving and decrease the effects of arthritis, mental isolation, and deteriorating bodies.
Please visit Change.org and join the petition petitions circulating to get our Safe, Clean, Healthy courses open again ASAP! 49,000 signatures as of this morning, and many epidemiologists and doctors asking the gov to reverse that decision.
Lets take back our wonderful (just in time for buy 3 get one free to arrive!!!)
Cheers team!