Surefit Hosel Setting

Follow Thread

By Declan R

  • 3 Replies
  1. Declan R

    Declan R
    Wexford Rep Of Ireland

    A quick question and apologies if has been asked already......but just curious as to the difference (if any) in the two settings below. Both settings will put club in 14.25 degree of loft, but just wondering which way to go.

    917F2 15 degree adjusted to D1 = 14.25

    917F2 13.5 degree adjusted to D4 = 14.25

    Am I right in thinking that the first setting ie lofting down will be more of a slightly fade bias?


  2. rymail00

    plattsburgh, NY

    I can understand your thinking behind it due to other manufacturers (like TM) that have sleeves that only adjust clockwise and counterclockwise in the adapter. Where adding or lowering loft will affect face angle.

    The Sure Fit adapter allows people to change loft and face angle independently. So in theory (as well as Titleist adjustment chart) they should play the same without affecting draw/fade bias wise.

    Since your aiming for 14.25*, personally I'd try and decide which way I'd error more in down the line if the desired loft might need to be tweaked up or down. If the 15* set at 14.25* is still to high your kinda screwed on lowering flight without changing the shaft since 14.25* is the lowest setting (16.5* the highest). If you go with 13.5* you go down to 12.25* or or up to 15*

    Kinda went off topic but that's what I considered when picking a loft (without the option of being fit on a LM).

    So I guess if you have an idea on which way your more likely to "possibly" have to change the loft down the line then that may help decide on what loft since adjusting loft alone shouldn't affect draw/fade bias. Make sense?
  3. RJohnson

    Cleveland, Oh

    Going down in loft will open the face slightly, going up with close it. It doesn't open or close very much. It depends on how you hit the ball, if you fade, maybe try closing it a little, if you draw, then try the opposite.
  4. Declan R

    Declan R
    Wexford Rep Of Ireland

    Thanks very much guys for the informative's much appreciated. I was fitted for 913F in 2014 but wont make it to fitting centre this time as it's 2hr drive away. At that time I came away with a 13.5 degree adjusted to 14.25 .

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