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  • 23 Replies
  1. Christian J

    Christian J
    Griswold, IA

    Haha, I  lost one of my test balls on the first day as well.  Luckily I still have one left!  I loved the new ball as well and is much more durable.  Great job Titleist!

  2. memphisunited

    Memphis, TN

    I had a similar situation on the first hole when I was testing the balls.  The first hole that day was a par 4.  There is water about 250 out, so I usually hit a 3-wood to come up a little short of the water.  My tee shot hits the ground hard and one hops into the water.  I was so mad, especially after I just told my buddies that I would probably lose that test ball.  I didnt' think it would be on the first shot of the day.

  3. Greg F

    Greg F
    Wilmington, NC

    Do not feel bad about losing one. With a 25 handicap, I lost all three! I did see better distance and performance when I was able to hit the sweet spot. The new Pro v1 bounces much better than the old ball when it comes to cart paths, trees, and buildings.

  4. scott a

    scott a
    souderton, PA

    LOL! I've guarded those balls like they were made of gold. I only hit them on the holes it was simply impossible to lose them on. I also gave one to a close friend and both of us are still hitting them on par 3's and easier par 4's. I probably played them about 20 holes total and they're still in the bag. I've lost about 20 older prov’s balls during this time. We actually have a bet who can hold onto them longer. Huge advantage to me with two.:)  Great feel and can't wait to get more.


  5. Chris S

    Chris S
    Dubuque, IA

    I feel lucky now! I still have the whole sleeve left ;) I absolutely LOVE the new prototype! hope they make it to market. Thanks Titleist

  6. Hotsauce

    Georgetown MA

    That's funny.  I didn't even worry about losing them.  I gamed mine like I would a normal ball.  I lost my last one in leafy rough on about my 8th round with the sleeve.  I'm sure someone will find it and be stoked to play a "test" ball.  I loved testing these and figured I owed it to Titleist to play the ball like it was a normal ball fresh from the sleeve.  I did practice chipping and putting side by side, and I also played a little scramble against my ProV to see if it was different.  The test ball was noticeably different, but overall I loved it.  I hope Titleist was pleased with the results overall, and I hope they think I gave them some valuable information.

    Thanks again, let's do it again some time.

  7. Bob J

    Bob J
    Cincinnati, OH

    At least you are able to lose them, between Sandy blowing through and the cold weather and now short days I'm hoping to get 9 holes in Sunday. I'm jealous.

  8. Mitch747

    Spring, TX


  9. Tom D

    Tom D
    Kansas City, MO

    I lost mine on a Friday afternoon on the 17th hole hitting through a dogleg into the woods covered with a blanket of leaves.   I saw the direction of the ball towards a tree stump in the woods.  But not to be found.  I was bummed.  During the night and the next day the wind picked up and was blowing 25 to 35 mph.  We played the next day and on the same 17th hole, I walked over to the same tree stump... and there was the ball... just shining in the sun.  Now I am back to all 3 balls.  

    I really like the overall performance of the ball.  BUT my only disappointed (for me) was too much run out on short chips/punch shots.  I think I could adjust to the additional rolling on the green because of the additional yardage of the driver and irons.  The test ball definitely did seem to have as much side spin as the new ProV1.  

    My opinion the new ball seems to be hybrid between a ProV1 and a Velocity ball.  

    If Titleist releases a new ProV1 in 2013, I will have to try it!

  10. Manuel M

    Manuel M
    Lancaster, CA

    Oh boy that really sucks to hear. I know I am testing the Test balls like my treasure! I hope you can get ahold of some more. I can tell you that I sure love them. All around an excellent ball.

  11. scott a

    scott a
    souderton, PA

    Update.....lost one!! Not even sure when, which only makes it worse. I have a feeling my buddy grabbed it out of my bag one day. Down to one. Good thing February is right around the corner. Awesome ball!!!! 

  12. erik o

    erik o
    washington township, NJ

    My buddy lost all three, like he does every year, by the tenth hole!

    How do you guys get the test balls? I'm on "Team Titleist" but I have never received anything. Have not done something or do I have to have my name on a list somewhere?


  13. Paul M

    Paul M
    Boca Raton, FL

    They are definitely the best golf balls to date. Got three of them from Titleist to try and have to say they either go straighter or I am hitting my driver better. Whatever it is I like it.

  14. Nick P

    Nick P
    Lincoln, NE

    I lost one in the fall leaves on the 10th hole.  It was still my first ball.  I let 2 groups play through because I wasn't leaving it behind!  I did find it about 15 mins later under a pile of leaves.  I knew where it had to be because it was my normal miss area.  Finished the round, still have all 3, and was impressed with it to say the least.

  15. makaveli

    Clinton Township, MI

    hit the CAPS LOCK button!



    i didnt loose my first ball ,but i did loose all 3 in one round. the balls i received had red numbers, it played like a nxt to me. my hybrids and irons all seemed to rollout about 10 yards longer than normal.. one hole in particular  i had 510 yd par 5, i hit my 19*hybrid off tee , then my 21*hybrid to front apron about 20ft  from hole,for a chip and putt birdie. out here in the desert  i normally hit my hybrids 245 yds 19* and 220 yds  21*,so trust  me i was getting a lot of roll ... i think i like the pro v1x a little better on approach shots and around the green  ..... thanx titleist for the sleeve of balls.

  17. Jerry L

    Jerry L

    I still have one of the test balls left. I did like the ball but I found it harder to work than a ProV1.

  18. Brannon A

    Brannon A
    Alden, IA

    How do you get test balls from Titleist? Im a team member but haven't received any test balls?

  19. Team Titleist Staff

    Hi Brannon,

    Thanks for the post. All Team Titleist members are considered when we have opportunities like this but the final selection will vary depending on the test panel.  

    We make every effort to include as many Team Titleist members as possible in these opportunities, but as you can imagine, we unfortunately are not able to include everyone in every test panel.  

    Also, the more you participate and the more engaged you are with Team Titleist, from posting in the discussions and adding blog comments to completing your profile, the better your chances are at potentially opening the doors to these Team Titleist opportunities.

    Thanks again and have a great day.

  20. Chris S

    Chris S
    Dubuque, IA

    I was fortunate enough to be chosen to test and lucky enough not to lose any of my testers;) Since this was the first time I have received anything to test, I decided to put one of my test balls in with my golf nick-nacs collection.

  21. Jeff K

    Jeff K
    Alexandria, VA

    the same here. haha that happened all the time. in my opinion just let it go. that's the best way for the test ball. :)

  22. Travis P

    Travis P
    big stone gap, VA

    I am somewhat fortunate to have one left. I had a sleeve that I had in the back seat of the car. When I carried some things inside my dog got the sleeve out and luckily only chewed up one of them. I played with one of them for 54 holes and retired it. I am keeping the other one pristine. 

  23. Like some other people here I made sure to use my first test ball on a hole where I felt like I couldn't use it. Teed it up on a short downhill par 3 but the sun was in my face and I lost sight of it the second I hit it. Thought I lost it on my first swing but found it plugged in the rough left of the green. After that I used them sparingly but felt like it was a slightly harder, more durable Pro V. I felt like it was actually a little shorter than the normal Pro V but nothing drastic. Really honored to be able to test a new Titleist ball. I love that they gave me the opportunity. Thanks guys.

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