Golf ball packaging????

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By Bob F

  • 10 Replies
  1. Bob F

    Bob F
    Muskegon, MI

    Titleist, please just start putting the year on your Titleist boxes. Everyone is selling "Prior generation" and it's confusing. They are selling two and three year old balls and the boxes are very similar. All you have to do is put 2015 on the cover!!!! Think about it, please!! And yes I am a loyal Pro V 1 user!!!

  2. I agree.  Golf Balls should be dated, at least on the boxes.  Too many time I have bought a special on ProV1 balls and had no idea how old they were.

  3. MarkTheShark

    Corpus Christi, TX

    i agree with you folks. Titleist should put dates on the boxes of golf balls it would make life a whole lot easier in my opinion.

    On Mar 25, 2015 9:58 AM, "Mike R" <> wrote:
    Team Titleist
    Mike R replied to Re: Golf ball packaging???? in Golf Balls.

    I agree.  Golf Balls should be dated, at least on the boxes.  Too many time I have bought a special on ProV1 balls and had no idea how old they were.

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  4. Greg B

    Greg B
    Gilbert, AZ


     Prior to buying them, open the box and look at the golf ball itself.  The alignment arrow is typically different when they roll out the new generation stuff.  Also, check Titleist website and take a screen shot of the box. I know that this year the box is distinctly different.  I used to feel the same way until I really looked at it.  


  5. Blake B

    Blake B
    Harbor Springs, MI

    Greg nailed it on the head. They have minor visible changes if you know what you are looking for. If you are not satisfied by trusting the look of the new box, a quick exam of the balls inside a sleeve can let you know if you are buying what you had intended. 

  6. Ski & Tee Dave

    Ski & Tee Dave
    Philadelphia, PA

    I didn't see any difference from the 2014 ProV1s and the 2015 ProV1s as far as the markings on the balls.  Am I the only one missing the difference?

  7. Tyson F

    Tyson F
    Liberty, IN

    Alignment arrow is different.  If you look closer you will tell the difference.

  8. Spudstarch

    Walnut Creek, CA

     At first I disagreed and figured it was easy enough to see the differences. But you have to understand though that we are in the know. What about or friends and family who are getting us packs as gifts? They would be so confused and overwhelmed by the offering options. I have seen some boxes with the year marked before, but I am not sure it is common practice.

    Something to consider when shopping in stores though. You will want to check the sleeves inside to be sure no one has swapped the old and new version to save a few bucks for themselves.

  9. Tyson F

    Tyson F
    Liberty, IN

    Anyone that asks me what kind of ball I play so they can purchase it as a gift, I politely tell them not too.  But to either get something else or a gift card so I can make sure to get exactly what I want.  I wait until the loyalty program to get my balls for the year, my immediate family all knows to just get me a shirt or gloves instead of balls.  If people are serious about the game they know the difference and if your not serious then a model older isn't that big a deal anyways. 

  10. Coolbreeze

    Sudbury, MA

    I say, know your golf ball and be an informed consumer. Just as in cars, clothes, some golf clubs, and so forth. Always ask questions if you are unsure. Certian items in retail aren't always labeled a certain year or model but you have an idea of what model year it is. One may be able to look at a certain car and can tell if it is a 2015 or 2014. I say do your reserach and ask questions of the goods you are buying. I imagine you ask a ton of questions regarding your meal or wine when dinning out but probabay do not ask that many question in the doctors office or when you purcahse goods at retail. However, you can't really go wrong buying a 2013 Pro V versus 2015 Pro V as they are both designed to perform but the best does keep getting better. Be healthy and play great golf!
  11. Kevin M

    Kevin M
    McDonough, GA

    I think it would be cool to start doing plastic sleeves for the balls like TM sleeves way back when. Then they can print a born on date on the sleeve like some beer companies do. Just an idea... I hope I'm not the only one that remembers that plastic sleeves...

    -K. Mitch

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