NCAA Division I Golf

Follow Thread

By Mike H

  • 2 Replies
  1. Mike H

    Mike H

    I watched some of the women's NCAA golf tournament and I have been following the Men's tournament this weekend and saw the Titleist ball count for the men is 126 of I believe 156 players. And the women's count was 126 of 132.

    That is real validation for the pro v1 and pro v1x. The top amateurs who can play any ball they want are choosing to play Titleist ball hands down. Congrats to titleist for making these great golf balls.

  2. MLB12

    Fredonia, NY

    Enough said:)
  3. Lance P

    Lance P
    Hillsborough, NC

    Are college players really able to choose their own ball? Is a school sponsored by a ball manufacturer and does that trump a player making his/her own choice? I'm unclear about the inside workings of college golf. Any former college players out there who can share their knowledge?

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