AVX vs. ProV1

Follow Thread

By Keith N

  • 23 Replies
  1. I like the AVX but it feels just a little "heavy"..??? I also like the Prov1 great all round ball but this week I switched to the Velocity Visi white ball.... very long off the tee and it has a very nice feel. Longer than Prov1 or AVX.
  2. I bought a sleeve of the AVX to try based on comments in these forums and the opinion of the fellow at the sporting goods store who said it’s his ball of choice now. I trust the guy, but should have known my game well enough to know that it’s not the ball for me. I have enough trouble getting the ball in the air and the AVX just exasperated the problem. I will say that it actually seemed less “clicky” and extremely soft off the putter for me. In fact it was so soft off the face it made me consider the pro V1x. So I bought a sleeve of those to try. I played the V1x in cold weather this weekend and shot my lowest score ever. However, due to the cold weather, I’m still undecided. But switching from the Pro V1 to the AVX was not an improvement for me simply based on my ball flight. The V1 to V1x debate is still to be settled. I will say I think I like the firmer feel of the V1x off the putter face, but will have to see how it performs off the longer clubs once I play in some warmer (over 55 degrees) weather. I can say without a doubt though, the Pro V1 is hard to beat.

    Good luck with your journey and hit ‘em straight.
  3. Dale V

    Dale V
    Surprise AZ

    RCrumpler said:

    I bought a sleeve of the AVX to try based on comments in these forums and the opinion of the fellow at the sporting goods store who said it’s his ball of choice now. I trust the guy, but should have known my game well enough to know that it’s not the ball for me. I have enough trouble getting the ball in the air and the AVX just exasperated the problem. I will say that it actually seemed less “clicky” and extremely soft off the putter for me. In fact it was so soft off the face it made me consider the pro V1x. So I bought a sleeve of those to try. I played the V1x in cold weather this weekend and shot my lowest score ever. However, due to the cold weather, I’m still undecided. But switching from the Pro V1 to the AVX was not an improvement for me simply based on my ball flight. The V1 to V1x debate is still to be settled. I will say I think I like the firmer feel of the V1x off the putter face, but will have to see how it performs off the longer clubs once I play in some warmer (over 55 degrees) weather. I can say without a doubt though, the Pro V1 is hard to beat.

    Good luck with your journey and hit ‘em straight.

    I too am a low ball hitter. Have played the ProV1 for years and knew that I needed to switch to the ProV1x as the 2019 model is higher flight, higher spin than the ProV1. I just couldn't get used to the harder feel of the ProV1x. Well, did the full ball testing during the TT Short Game Experience in Pinehurst last month and saw the numbers on TrackMan. Can't deny that the ProV1x is the ball that fits my game. Now i am switching over and taking however long it takes to adjust to the firmer feel.
  4. El bandito

    El bandito
    Fife Bonny Scotland 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿

    I’m the same as you buddy, pro v for the win. But due to Scottish weather wind and rain mostly lol I keep a couple of AVX balls in my bag.
    The less spin helps a lot on these days for me, yes they take a little getting used to around the greens compared to pro v balls.
    But they are still fantastic!!
  5. I played this past weekend in Chicago where we had gusts up to 40mph. The AVX was the better ball to play in that wind because it was able to cut through easier as it spins less. It felt soft, but that didn't bother me that much. If you have wind to deal with I would recommend using the AVX, but if you are playing in normal conditions stick with the pro v1/x.
  6. Ooo so many different opinions of this ball can't wait to try it for myself.

  7. I am 76 and a 13 and tended to launch my drives too high with too little roll. Previously hit ProV1's. Have just switched to AVX after reading about lower spin and better wind penetration . No doubt about it. It's true. I have added a good ten yards to my drives and fairway woods as well. Green conditions here in Northeast are still sketchy so can't evaluate putting difference yet.
  8. RULE OF GOLF: How can a ball which can only travel 250 per second with a 2% tolerance which is 5ft. therefor if faster it's illegal go farther than another ball? ?answer is ?
  9. Chuck Z

    Chuck Z
    Mt Pleasant, SC

    With all due respect, I would like to recommend that when submitting an article that you look over the articles that have already been submitted and add to those articles regarding the same subject. There is a lot of interesting information regarding the AVX ball comparing it to the Prov1, Prov1x and other Titleist balls already posted under Golf Balls.
    All you have to do is scroll thru the history and you will find the topic as close back as March and April. It is awesome to share information but let's make a community effort to keep the topics continuing and not redundant. I feel most will agree. =)
  10. Dale V

    Dale V
    Surprise AZ

    Chuck Z said:

    With all due respect, I would like to recommend that when submitting an article that you look over the articles that have already been submitted and add to those articles regarding the same subject. There is a lot of interesting information regarding the AVX ball comparing it to the Prov1, Prov1x and other Titleist balls already posted under Golf Balls.
    All you have to do is scroll thru the history and you will find the topic as close back as March and April. It is awesome to share information but let's make a community effort to keep the topics continuing and not redundant. I feel most will agree. =)

    I don't know Chuck. There are times when I see posts answering a question or making a comment to a post that was 2 or 3 years old. I think in some of those cases it would be better to start fresh than to comment on something so old that the original submitter might be gone... or even dead. Guess they should be on a case-by-case basis? In my humble opinion.
  11. Chuck Z

    Chuck Z
    Mt Pleasant, SC


    Chuck Z said:

    With all due respect, I would like to recommend that when submitting an article that you look over the articles that have already been submitted and add to those articles regarding the same subject. There is a lot of interesting information regarding the AVX ball comparing it to the Prov1, Prov1x and other Titleist balls already posted under Golf Balls.
    All you have to do is scroll thru the history and you will find the topic as close back as March and April. It is awesome to share information but let's make a community effort to keep the topics continuing and not redundant. I feel most will agree. =)

    Good point.....case by case....
  12. No offense taken Chuck - I had read multiple forum posts about the AVX and thought I was differentiating from them by asking a specific question about the "click" I felt off of the putter. No other issues with the ball itself as far as playability goes so was curious if others had seen the same thing. Thinking it could be putter-specific or just a general difference in the balls?

    As an update I just got a Scotty Phantom 5 to replace my Notchback and had the same experience with the AVX that made me decide it's just not the ball for me. I won't hesitate to play them in casual rounds but will be sporting the new ProV1 for competitive events. Have the Club Championship coming up next week so putting in some work!!
  13. Speedy

    East Coast, NH

    Same thing here.. I've always played the ProV1, mostly b/c of the feel. Did the ball feeling during the TT Short Game Experience @ PInehurst and sure enough the AVX is the ball for me, low spin more distance. Well last week I finally put the AVX in play and have to agree with the spin and distance, had a hard time managing it. I will agree off the putter face it feels a little harder then the ProV1. Playing more this weekend and will put the AVX in play again. I need a few more rounds before i decide.

    I will say the quality of both balls have been amazing. For me anyways.
  14. I like the AVX off the tee, pro v1x for approach and pro v1 for short game/putting. Changing balls mid hole is illegal right :)
  15. I’ve found the AVX and Pro V1 to be about the same off the tee. AVX flies a little lower but distance is about the same. AVX about 5-6 yards longer off the irons but not a determining factor. V1 definitely spins more with the wedges. Feel of the AVX definitely softer. Could happily play either ball but I think for me at least the Pro V1 is the best all around ball out there.
  16. I try and look at it this way. I go back and forth between whether I pull a fresh sleeve of Pro V1x's or a fresh sleeve of AV1x's out of my bag on the 1st tee based on what the weather and course conditions are that day.

    If it's windy or the ground is really dry and I'm looking for a few extra yards of roll off the tee, I'm going to grab the AV1x's more than likely and use the lower ball flight to my advantage. If the course is wet, the greens really firm and I'm likely going to have to try and drop a few approaches to tight pins or if the wind is down and I'm playing a course where I know that a generally higher ball flight will help me that day, I'm going to grab the V1x's.

    Based on the weather that day, and having played enough rounds with both balls to know how they will react to my game, I then make the adjustments in my head for what the ball of choice that day will be (firmer vs softer feel, a touch more vs a touch less spin around the greens, higher vs lower ball flight, etc)

    Once I grab that sleeve on the 1st tee, I don't think about if it was the proper ball choice or not for the day, since as long as it says Titleist on it, I know it's the right choice for the day!
  17. I was hitting the AVX last year, but I switched to the Velocity about a month ago. With the wet Spring in Southern Ontario I was looking for a little more distance. Now that things have dried out, I still am hitting the Velocity orange. Turns out, I can land than just as softly around the greens as the AVX or the Pro V1x. I think they go further than any other Titleist ball, and I like the way they come off my putter. Again, in 4 rounds this week, I have made several good chip shots, and stopped the ball within 3 feet of the hole. The fact that they are half the price of Pro V's is just an added bonus.
  18. I play the new ProVs and love them.. that being said I did find an AVX and played with it for about nine holes and they felt a bit harder than the ProVs and the AVX seemed to go a little further.
  19. I love the avx and I’ve grown to like the click. I played cally e.r.c last weekend and it just felt spongy, no feel off the putter face .. I’m an avx believer
  20. Christopher V

    Christopher V
    Edmond, OK

    Cally's are the worst balls you can play.
  21. Rob E

    Rob E
    San Jose, CA

    I moved to AVX over a year ago and love it. I love the lower spin and I hit the ball plenty high so the AVX fits me perfect. I’m wondering when a new version will come out.
  22. david r

    david r
    St. Johns, FL

    I play 3-4 rounds a week and have practice sessions the off days. My head to head "test" of the AVX vs ProV1 saw the AVX 3-4 yards longer with the scoring irons. With the driver tee ball, the distance seemed comparable but course conditions and a less than repeatable swing may affect those results. AVX sound (aka"feel") was "softer" than the ProV1 on the irons and putter. I saw no difference in putts regardless of "feel". I was able to discern which ball was which by "feel" and could adjust quickly to the new sound/feel. The spin and checking power on the ProV1 was noticeable over the AVX especially on chips 3-5 steps off the green and 10 yards from the pin. The AVX rolled out 2-3 feet longer than the ProV1. Problematic on downhill chips not so much on up hill putts. Due to the lower flight characteristics the AVX (and perhaps swing speed) is a good wind ball. There are advantages to both balls. My ball du jour generally depends on the course conditions, wet/soft or dry/firm, calm/windy. Both are great choices.
  23. The difference in sound off the putter has never bothered me. What I play in a given round depends on the weather, mainly wind. (I used to play only ProV1x but now I carry a few AVX in the bag as well.
    Before a trip to Ireland this past spring I thought I'd give the AVX a shot after reading about the performance in wind, very happy I did. The difference was noticeable: shallower dimples = lower/more piercing ball flight = my go to ball for windy days. I need to remember to account for the extra distance/roll out on mid to short irons but I'd take that any day over watching long shots sail away.
    I don't hit the ball high enough to make a full switch to AVX, but there are plenty of rounds where I'm very happy I have them.

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