My AP2's

Follow Thread

By David L

  • 19 Replies
  1. David L

    David L
    fort collins, CO

    I have been out to hit my AP2's that I got about a month and a half ago a couple times and can't hit them as far as my old DCI's. It seems like the ball is going to high in the air. I have the Project X shafts on them and was wondering if that was the problem. If so, should I switch to the dynamic gold shafts. I love how they feel, but don't like how I'm not hitting them very far. Does anyone have any suggestions?

  2. brad t

    brad t
    Shobonier, IL

    FWIW,  I switched from DCI 962's to AP2's and gained a little distance.  However, both sets had the same True Temper DG shafts.  Specs for the AP2s vs DCI 962 indicate that AP2s are a degree stronger/longer on loft.  

    I don't have experience with the Project X, so I can't compare or comment on that possibility. 

    Where do you live?  Could your loss of distance be attributed to cooler weather, softer conditions, rusty golf swing?   I'd consider all possibilities before I changed shafts.  Just a thought.  Good luck and happy hack'n!

    Love the AP2s!



    I also changed from 962's to AP2's, but I have the DGS300 and feel that I have lost almost a club in distance.  I was thinking of switching back to Project X shafts, but think I will have my lofts checked first


  4. Brad m

    Brad m
    New Hamburg, ON

    When you say you are not hitting them as far are we talking 10 yards with a 7 iron, or are you looking at  a  2 club difference on a par 3? As a short hitter all my life, I have no qualms about hitting a hybrid on a hole when everyone else in the group is hitting a 7iron. Especially, when I hit it inside of everyone else. If you have to take one club more, but you are more accurate, I fail to see the problem. Or you could be like the pro on the weekend, I can't remember his name, but he was closing the face and hitting wedge when everyone else was hitting 7 or 8 iron.

    I bought AP1s at the end of last season. I find my ball flight is probably 30 to 40% higher than my previous clubs. Distance I can't tell yet as I was playing late in the year when the ground was soft and the temperatures are cooler.  

  5. ChuckG

    Baltimore, MD

    If I recall from my fitting last year, the Project X shafts did in fact have the highest trajectory of the three shafts offered.  DG had the lowest of the three, with the KBS shaft being in the middle.

    Also, as the second person mentioned, weather can definitely be a factor in distance as well.  When you say distance loss, how many yards are you talking about?

  6. David L

    David L
    fort collins, CO

    I thought at first that it could be because my swing was just off a little, but I have been out a few times now with them. I have lost at least a club or more. I used to hit my 6 iron about 180 yards and now hit my new one about 165 yards. I am going to take my old 762 DCI's out and really compare the distances and ball flight. It worries me because I have never hit my 3 iron very well and will probably have to start using it a lot more. Maybe it would be a good idea to change the lofts on my clubs. I need to get it figured out soon though because I don't want to be changing everything around when I'm playing a lot.

  7. Ryan Crysler

    Ryan Crysler
    West Palm Beach, FL


    I would definitely compare the loft and lies to make sure the lofts on the AP2s are the same as the DCIs.

    In our experience, the AP2s do fly a little higher than the normal iron and we tend to specify 1 to 2 degrees stronger than standard.


  8. David S

    David S
    Alamo, CA

    I've seen a higher ball flight with my AP2's and had heard about the potential for some distance loss, but I had Titleist make the lofts stronger and I've not noticed an issue.  Good LucK!

  9. Marc S

    Marc S
    San Antonio, TX


    I was recently fitted for my AP2's and had the true temper high launch shafts put in them due to my very low ball flight. While I may have lost about a club worth of distance in the process, I have gained accuracy. I'll take accuracy over distance any day of the week. Thanks

  10. Hotsauce

    Georgetown MA

    Marc S said:

    I was recently fitted for my AP2's and had the true temper high launch shafts put in them due to my very low ball flight. While I may have lost about a club worth of distance in the process, I have gained accuracy. I'll take accuracy over distance any day of the week. Thanks

    I have DCI 990's with SL300 shafts and I'm getting the same set up as you Marc.  Also make sure you're measuring carry distance and not total distance.  My total distance was shorter with the AP2 but my carry was actually a bit longer.  Good luck with everything and let us know how it turns out.

  11. David L

    David L
    fort collins, CO

    I went out and played yesterday and I definitely lost about a club and a half. I had a few great shots with them though. I am going down to Denver this weekend so I'll stop in Golfsmith and see what they have to say. Maybe they can adjust the lie/loft instead of having to get new shafts put on. I guess I could always pick up a hybrid if I have to. Thanks for all the help.

  12. Brent W

    Brent W
    St George, UT

    DG S300's are the way to go for the AP2's. The Project X flights the ball to high..

  13. Brent W

    Brent W
    St George, UT

    Going DOWN to Denver Where do you live? on a mountain top :)

  14. Hotsauce

    Georgetown MA

    I used to live in Summit County ( on a mountain top) so this expression didn't phase me one bit.  I guess the flatlanders just don't understand...  lol

  15. Hotsauce

    Georgetown MA

    My AP2's just came in and I love em.  I hit them about the same distance as my old 990's, but I hit them much higher.  My 990's had SL300's and my AP2's have the hight launch version.  I can work them a lot better too.  It's going to take some getting used to, but I just know I'm going to love these.

  16. Hi Ryan,

    Seriously? 2* stronger is recommended? That's good to know now since I'm about to order a set of AP2's...

    Do you specify that at time of ordering with my dealer?

    I'd think DG shafts with 2* strong AP2's would be a low, boring trajectory combo...exactly what I'm looking for!




  17. Ryan Crysler

    Ryan Crysler
    West Palm Beach, FL

    It may be the case!  Sometimes we go 2 strong with a 4-PW combination and add an extra scoring wedge. 

    You can specify everything when you custom order clubs!  Grips, lies, lofts, even swing weights!


  18. John L

    John L
    Dewey, OK

    Im not sure so correct me if im wrong but it sounds like you bought off the self Irons. Maybe you heard alot of praise about project X shafts so you bought them with out trying them first. I think maybe if you were fitted for the irons you would have noticed the diffrence prior to purches. My self i gained a club diffrence in distance when i swtiched to AP2's from my ZB's. I've been thinking about getting some MB's but im sure i'll loose yardage. witch for me is fine i can affortd to lose some right now. but were not talking about me.  Um like they said above me deffinetly check the loft and lie. also if you cant go to a Titleist fitter and to a blind fitting see what they recomend for you. you might find out that your swing dosent fit the Project X line. My game dosent i've tryed 7.0's a few times and the fitter always putts me in X100's im just not suited for project x's. this may be your issue to.

  19. Tim Tiger

    Tim Tiger
    Tucson, AZ

    You might start with a Club fitting and have your specs checked on the clubs.  

     I got the AP2's with the KBS  Tours and  have gained a small distance advantage over my 690MB's.  The key is to have the clubs built for you.



  20. Andrew  P

    Andrew P
    Bentonharbor, MI

    i have never played the ap2's but i have a friend that plays them and he is a very short hitter, but he likes the consistency that he gets with the irons. I have hit a few shots with them and i also thought that i was shorter with them.

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