T100-T150 Gap Wedge

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By Brandon W

  • 5 Replies
  1. Hi All –

    I am currently in the market for new irons and have landed on the T150s (5 iron – 48 degree gap wedge). Based on the T150 lofts, I plan on continuing the 4 degree loft increments with a 52-56-60 degree wedge set up.

    As an 11 handicap, I am a decent ball striker however I lose a lot of confidence when I move from my current set gap wedge (PXG 0311T) to my first Vokey wedge for full shots. In my new set, I am considering subbing out the 52 degree Vokey wedge with the T100 gap wedge (50 degrees) weakened to 52 degrees. This would give me T150 (5 iron – 48 degree gap), T100 52 degree gap, 56 & 60 degree Vokey. I currently have a pretty basic short game arsenal and almost always either chip with my 56 degree or play a toe up bump and run with my 9 iron. As such, my 52 degree wedge is currently only a full shot club, and the versatility that comes with a Vokey is not as important to me in this loft.

    Are there any unintended consequences of this plan? Would weakening the T100 by 2 degrees cause any significant issues for full shots? Kind of strange to carry two “gap” wedges, but the way these irons are lofted these days creates some strange gaps.

    FYI I plan to get fit in the coming weeks. Just wanted to make sure this wasn’t a crazy plan before mentioning it to the fitter.

    Appreciate any thoughts.


  2. Don O

    Don O
    Madison, WI

    Consider using the same shaft in the gap wedge as your T150 irons. Changing the loft on the T100 by 2 degrees also changes the bounce by 2 degrees and the resulting turf interaction may not work out the same way
  3. Brock L

    Brock L
    Fort Myers, FL

    Vokey gap wedges are more forgiving than T100. Larger head, easier to hit IMO. I'd stick with Vokey 52/56/60, but make sure you get fit correctly for shaft, length, like and most importantly, bounce / grind.
  4. I play the T150 irons and have them all bent 1 degree weak. My Vokey wedges are 50/54/58. Last year I swapped my Vokey 50 for a T100 gap wedge. Pretty sure I didn't adjust the loft of it. I've actually found it to be more forgiving and confidence-inspiring than the Vokey. It also depends how you use your gap wedge. I really only use mine for full shots.
  5. Like someone else said, the vokeys are more forgiving and will feel a little hotter than the t100, at least that’s how my set plays. You’ll just need to get fit and bend the lofts to tweak the gaps. For full swing clubs, i prefer to bend down when possible so not increase bounce too much.
  6. Matt V

    Matt V
    Glenwood Springs, CO

    In my experience, no way the Vokey's are MORE forgiving than the T100. T100 is a cavity back blade - definitely larger sweet spot than the Vokey. I play the T100 Gap - really only hit for full shots, then go to 54 and 60 Vokey for the finesse stuff. All things being equal between a Set Gap and a Vokey - besides the Set being more forgiving, it should be longer (due to bit of extra tech) and fly a bit higher. They Vokey will fly lower.

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