2016 Folds of Honor Staff Bag

Follow Thread

By james f

  • 24 Replies
  1. Joshua B

    Joshua B

    Wow what a beautiful bag! What is the story behind this?
  2. Chuck Z

    Chuck Z
    Mt Pleasant, SC


    Joshua B said:

    Wow what a beautiful bag! What is the story behind this?

    Joshua: Short explanation.

    Since 2007, Folds of Honor has carried forth this singular, noble mission. To provide educational scholarships to the spouses and children of America's fallen and disabled service-members. Our motto says it best. Honor their Sacrifice. Educate their Legacy. - See more at: www.foldsofhonor.org/

    Love the 2016 edition. A buddy of mine I play with who was in the Navy during Vietnam has 2016 edition and I have the 2015 edition. A friend found out I was a DAV (USAF 1965-1971) and gave me mine, which was greatly appreciated. Titleist does a great job with these bags. I use mine for tournaments and special events.
    Post Image
  3. PRO V

    PRO V
    golf course

    james! Congrats! What a glorious piece of Titleist art.
  4. David ARK

    David ARK
    Long Beach, NY

    A beauty!!!
  5. Tom B

    Tom B
    Northborough, MA

    And a TT bag tag to display! I don't know if you've served in the Military or not, if you have, thank you very much for your service. If not, I urge you to look up and read about the Folds of Honor Foundation and what it does, and Major Dan Rooney who started it. A man who couldn't make up his mind, wanting to be a fighter pilot and a golf professional. So he did both, and remembers where he came from. I thank Titleist for running this program where these limited edition bags are raffled or auctioned off every year. It is a piece of art. Respect, and Enjoy showing it off. Thanks again Titleist
  6. Will E

    Will E
    Cuyahoga Falls, OH

    Great looking bag!
  7. james f

    james f
    El Paso

    I am currently on active duty in the Army. Last year I was invited to play in the Folds of Honor event at Maryland Golf and Country Club. Recently the opportunity came up for me to get this bag so I did not hesitate.
  8. Wow, great bag...
  9. Alex G

    Alex G
    Mesa, AZ

    Amazing bag, my local course supports the Folds of Honor Foundation and has numerous fundraisers throughout the year I plan on attending, having served in the United States Marine Corps this foundation means a lot to me. Maybe one day I will be lucky enough to have the opportunity to buy a bag like that.
  10. Chuck Z

    Chuck Z
    Mt Pleasant, SC


    Alex G said:

    Amazing bag, my local course supports the Folds of Honor Foundation and has numerous fundraisers throughout the year I plan on attending, having served in the United States Marine Corps this foundation means a lot to me. Maybe one day I will be lucky enough to have the opportunity to buy a bag like that.

    Support the foundation by purchasing chances at local courses who have these bags and maybe, Alex, you will win one when they draw the names. You can find these on eBay, but with a hefty price tag.
  11. Tom B

    Tom B
    Northborough, MA

    OK, I've gotta tell you this story about the raffle last year of this bag at our Club. Many folks buy the tickets for such a good cause. Some buy more as we're always afraid that someone will win it, and it ends up on e-bay, the winner looking for a buck. Anyway this past fall, the raffle was pulled at a Club tourney. A gentleman living here from England won it and appreciated it very much. As he commented to his buddy also from the UK about winning it and maybe it meant more to someone born in the US, another member came over and offered him $200 cash for it. He accepted and as some folks got a little weary about what he was going to do, they were soon overwhelmed went he took the bag across the room to another member, who is a retired colonel from the military, who served tours in some of those worst places you can imagine and read about over the last couple of decades. Now that brought the house down. Right then the gentleman from the UK who had won the bag walked back over to the member who had given him the $200 cash, and gave it back to him. Blessed with a lot of classy members here, and thanks Titleist for your support of this program, and thanks to all of those who serve us proudly.
  12. Those bags are absolutely beautiful! Having served in the USMC I was thrilled to have received a ball marker from Folds of Honor. The foundation is amazing for what they do. If I was ever lucky enough to get my hands on a bag I would have a hard time taking it out of the house. James and Chuck you are two very lucky men.
  13. www.ebay.com/.../132707639792

    We won this bag two years ago at our local course, and now that there are none available on eBay, we are selling it, and we will donate all of the proceeds to the "Folds of Honor Foundation." We will provide documentation to the seller to show that we have followed through. It is such a gorgeous bag, too good for us, and we truly just want to give back!
  14. is this bag available for me to purchase? i've been searching for this bag forever!
  15. I have one for sell. Let me know if you’re interested.
  16. Chuck Z

    Chuck Z
    Mt Pleasant, SC



    I have one for sell. Let me know if you’re interested.

    One favor to ask if you are selling this bag. Please sell it to a Veteran. These bags should be in the hands of those who served this nation. I have a combat veteran (Vietnam) who is looking for one.
  17. BMcEnroe

    Lakewood National Golf & Country Club

    I have been looking for one of the Folds Of Honor bags for a while. I am not a Veteran, I am a Gold Star Dad. My son was US Army Special Forces Green Beret who was KIA in 2016 in the Middle East. If you could send me a picture and a price, I'd appreciate it.
  18. Barry M

    Barry M
    Reno, NV

    Check out this site. Not Titleist but good looking bags.
  19. Chuck Z

    Chuck Z
    Mt Pleasant, SC

    Nice bags and seems the dates on their bags are after the Titleist bags. Might be the best bet and you can get head covers to match. I have one of their hybrid headcovers and they are nice and well made. This might be your best bet if the Titleist bags are not available and you can get you name on it. A certain percentage of the sales from these bags go to the Folds of Honor Foundation. Seems cheaper than eBay.
  20. Are you still looking?
  21. Chuck Z

    Chuck Z
    Mt Pleasant, SC

    These were promotional tour bags that were offered to "Titleist accounts" that were raffled off to raise money for the Folds of Honor Foundation. No longer offered. On occasion you may run across one on eBay and I have seen them go as high as $700. They are rare and hard to find. I passed mine on to another veteran.

    They were not available for sale from Titleist to the public.
  22. LanceB


    Great looking bags and an even better cause.
  23. Chuck Z

    Chuck Z
    Mt Pleasant, SC

    Just saw one on eBay for $1600. $144 to ship. Staff bags are expensive to ship. It is a 2015 (#1350 of the 1525 bags that were made) model like the one I had and sent up to my marine friend in NC. He saw it when he was here visiting and offered me $100 for it plus shipping if I ever wanted to sell it and that is what I let it go for. Got a lot of enjoyment out of mine for a few years and hope he does as well. 2016 may have been the last year those bags were made available to the courses for the fund raiser. Again, if you are serious, friend me on here and send me a PM with the information. I will pass it on to my buddy who was in nam. It would mean a lot to this disabled veteran. With respect. Cheers. cz
  24. Jim S

    Jim S
    East Point, GA

    Great looking bag for a great cause.

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