bag tag and lanyards

Follow Thread

By Samuel Carr

  • 15 Replies
  1. Hey guys, this is my first post to a discussion board and im a somewhat new member of team titleist (though i've been a ProV1x loyalist for upwards of 5 years now). How does one go about getting some of this swag that i've been seeing? i feel like its wrong to just go buy it off ebay. any advice would be appreciated. thanks!

  2. TeeJ

    Chesapeake, VA

    Welcome aboard!!!
  3. Bomber3

    Lake St Louis, MO

    Best advice, stay active on this site by posting questions, answers, etc. and who knows, good things may magically appear in your mailbox.
  4. Benjamin D

    Benjamin D
    Rockwall, TX


    The best way is to be active in these forums. Amazing what shows up at your door...

    Hope that helps...
  5. thanks so much fellas. appreciated
  6. 3puttmachine said:

    Hey guys, this is my first post to a discussion board and im a somewhat new member of team titleist (though i've been a ProV1x loyalist for upwards of 5 years now). How does one go about getting some of this swag that i've been seeing? i feel like its wrong to just go buy it off ebay. any advice would be appreciated. thanks!

    I'm with ya, bud, lol. I keep going home and checking my mail box to see if I've received my bag tag, but good things happen to those that wait :)

  7. Awesome, yeah I got a bag tag randomly in the mail pretty sweet.
  8. RubenC87

    Brownsville, TX

    I'm still waiting for a nice lil something in the mail with a TT on it.
  9. Hoping for a bag tag myself.
  10. I am also new member to Team Titleist and was wondering the same thing. So to start things off I would love to get one for my new "Titleist Staff Cart bag" that has just turned up.
    Post Image
  11. Dobber362


    Swag is always good.
  12. Gabriel G

    Gabriel G
    Cedar Park, TX

    Be active in the discussions. I think that is the reason why I received my bag tag and lanyard. Sure is neat stuff!
  13. Welcome! This is a great forum with friendly Titleist fans full of information and advice. Cool byproduct of being active is you might get a surprisein the mail!
  14. I had the same question on my mind Samuel. Some awesome swag that TT has to offer and I would also love to get some in my mailbox!
  15. The mystery,surprise and rarity makes TT gear so desirable. Hopefully one day I will get a little swag.
  16. Just recently got my bag tag. Looks great on my new Titleist bag.

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