Adjust toe hang

Follow Thread

By Bill F

  • 5 Replies
  1. Bill F

    Bill F
    Asheville, NC

    My gamer is a Phantom X11 with a counterweight in the grip and a stability shaft. I love it. For years I used a Newport 2 or an original, Santa Fe, both of which I loved before moving to a face balanced model. My question is, can you modify the toe hang slightly by placing a lighter weight in the toe of, say, a Squareback? Doing so is probably sacrilege, but I’m curious and fully aware that the feel will change.

  2. Andrew A

    Andrew A
    Charlotte, NC

    you have the ability to change the weights and have more weight in the toe than the heel. I currently game a Del Mar and have a 30-gram weight in the toe and a 15-gram in the heel.
  3. What does this actually do? I have a Del Mar and would like for the toe to “feel” as if it is a little more closed at impact. Should I have more or less weight at the toe of the putter or the heel?
  4. Don O

    Don O
    Madison, WI

    JOchoa said:

    What does this actually do? I have a Del Mar and would like for the toe to “feel” as if it is a little more closed at impact. Should I have more or less weight at the toe of the putter or the heel?

    Swings are rarely straight back and forth so the more arc to one’s stroke the more toe hang is needed to help the putter face back to square at contact.
    I’ve played with +/- 10 g. Visually I never saw a change in toe hang. The neck design seemed to be a much bigger factor in toe hang.
    You can try weights. If that doesn’t supply the feel you want, this is a reason to get fit for a putter fitting combining measured data with comfort. Buying for looks is important so long as you don’t have to fight to control the club face. Do you think anyone would buy the LAB zero torque just for the looks?
  5. Where can I get a set of weights that work with Scotty Cameron putters?
  6. You could therotically but I would not do it..each model in the SC lineup has specific standards for MOI and Face Balance.


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