SC Select Newport 2 (2018) Authentication

Follow Thread

By Dale A

  • 7 Replies
  1. I just purchased the SC Select Newport 2 second hand and unsure of its authenticity. What’s the best way to find out? The only thing I see on it is a hologram sticker with an AP number on it. It look like it’s true, but I got it at a really good price so I’m really concerned I got taken.

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  2. Dale V

    Dale V
    Surprise AZ

    The weights are not right and the way the insert is not really an insert as the overall face grind matches up is suspicious.
  3. Brock L

    Brock L
    Fort Myers, FL

    Super fake.
  4. BHershman

    Palm Beaches

    That is definitely a fake, sorry.
  5. Mike M

    Mike M
    Marblehead MA

    Agree. I think it's definitely a fake. The first thing I noticed were the weights; they just aren't right.The sole of the putter looks suspect as well.I may be wrong (help me out here Scotty aficionados) but I thought the Select series were made with 303 stainless, and that doesn't look like 303 stainless to my naked eye.
  6. The cherry dots on the front and bottom don’t match the genuine putter and the weights are also wrong. This is fake. Compare it to the genuine one here
  7. DK

    Northeastern, PA

    I think we all agree...counterfeit (fake seems harsh)
  8. Jim S

    Jim S
    East Point, GA

    Not even a good fake.

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