January 04, 2019 At 12:03 PM By SWilliams
I was just curious what does your local club do to reduce sandbagging in say a 36 hole 2 man scramble tournament?
I am just looking for ideas that I can implement in my clubs tournaments.
HotsauceGeorgetown MA
beaureed445Edmond, OK
January 04, 2019 At 01:32 PM
Ugggg nothing worse than watching a "12" shoot a 76. Sure it could happen, but I bet you've got a better chance at the lotto. Our club has a Hcp Chair (a thankless job I'd never want) who reviews scores and caps, and adjusts accordingly. He's a bit of a hoarder and keeps score cards from any decent size tournament we hold. He meets with the tournament committee before big events (so the flack doesn't fall solely on him) to review issues or potential problems. This works well for 4 somes or 4 ball, but I'm not sure how feasible it would be for a scramble. IMO any format outside pure stroke play shouldn't be played at full handicap. Maybe set a range (teams have to have a combined cap between 10-15) or something and then give each team 75% of their cap. At my club the shop generally picks any scramble teams and there is no HCP- they try to get the teams to add up to the same cap range. You could also do flights without caps so that strokes aren't as big of a factor.
Dan B
Rick DWeston, WI
Chuck ZMt Pleasant, SC
S. C.Tampa, FL
Bill LSpring, TX
Dan M
John BKenmore, NY
Dave NDade City, FL
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