Amateur Tour

Follow Thread

By JMcIntosh

  • 1 Like
  • 5 Replies
  1. Does anyone play on the Golfweek Amateur Tour? If so, tell me why you like or dislike it. I am considering doing it.

  2. Scott P

    Scott P
    Bozeman/Big Sky, MT

    I just signed up for my first one on Long Island on August 15. Excited to give it a shot and can report back for others if interested.
  3. Elson C

    Elson C

    Thank you, I just learned about it, I have been wanting to join some competition, and with the Golf channel AM tour ending, I wasn't sure where to look.
  4. Military
    A friend of mine runs the Eastern NC area of the Golfweek Amateur , while I don't play on it , I know numerous players who do and they enjoy and rave about it. My friend has been awarded the Tour Director of the Year the last two years, so he runs good events. It's just a little too expensive and too much travel for my taste

    Semper Fi
  5. Ruben C

    Ruben C
    Brownsville, TX

    GMaynard said:

    A friend of mine runs the Eastern NC area of the Golfweek Amateur , while I don't play on it , I know numerous players who do and they enjoy and rave about it. My friend has been awarded the Tour Director of the Year the last two years, so he runs good events. It's just a little too expensive and too much travel for my taste

    Semper Fi

    That's part of the reason why I didn't join the Golf channel Am Tour $$ We shall see what happens with this tour. Going to do some research on it.
  6. Military
    A friend of mine runs the Eastern NC area of the Golfweek Amateur , while I don't play on it , I know numerous players who do and they enjoy and rave about it. My friend has been awarded the Tour Director of the Year the last two years, so he runs good events. It's just a little too expensive and too much travel for my taste

    Semper Fi

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