Preshot routine - are you a thinker or doer?

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By george t

  • 13 Replies
  1. george t

    george t
    Old Lyme, CT

    I have a pretty standard preshot routine, but I have to admit, I don’t think much about the shot. My mentality is make a good swing and good things should follow. And FWIW, my game is more the carry the ball to the green, not a run it up links style.

    But at my home course, there are a few holes that I’m struggling to play well. For starters, there is typically an in-between yardage on the approach shot. And I haven’t done well going at the shot harder or conversely taking something off.

    Which has me thinking, I need to start visualizing more, picking a target and playing for the run out. Even if it feels more like a punch shot rather than a full swing.

    It seems simple enough but I feel like the more I think, the more I stink.

  2. Hi George:

    Good post, when I am playing well, I tend to be a doer. Walking up to my ball I am already visualizing the shot I want to play, pick a club, and get to it. When I am struggling to find my swing, that is when I get to overthinking. To gain more confidence with the shots that are giving you a hard time, I would suggest going to the range and hitting the shot shape and yardages you want. This should give help give you a better mental picture and help you to execute.
  3. Barry M

    Barry M
    Reno, NV

    Buy more Mulligans!!!
  4. I do think a lot and at times over think the shot instead of making a great swing. I’ve started to pick the shot then try to stop thinking.
  5. J22abe


    Grip it and rip it.

    --if I think I dink.
  6. Some times changing your approach off the tee can help. You don’t always have to hit driver. A buddy of mine is a member at a course that has 5-6 holes where long iron or hybrid gives you a full 8 or 9 iron. Hit driver and might get stuck at a weird wedge yardage.
  7. Andrew A

    Andrew A
    Charlotte, NC

    I have a pre-shot routine and often felt that my mind "wondered as well". Recently, I added a "trigger" to remind me to focus on the shot and nothing else. It's a littel move but has made a large impact on my game.
    When I am standing behind the ball, it's then that I velcro my glove, never before. Once I seal my glove, it triggers a shot focus. That little action of waiting on my closing my glove has really helped.
  8. Darryl M

    Darryl M
    Wichita, KS

    I have swing thoughts & shot thoughts. BUT I do have a pre-shot routine for all shots. I don't take practice swings but I always start behind the ball walk into the address the same way keeping my eye on the target line, squaring my shoulders & making a swing. I do this on all shots. The only time I take a practice swing is on pitch & chipping shots around the green so I have a feel for the distance of the shot.

    I process quick so I don't like to stand & ponder a shot or take practice swings & let something enter into my head while standing there.

  9. Fred L

    Fred L

    Doer - My thought process is my first swing is the best and if I think i will sc$#@ up the shot. Never think too much into the shots like some people do and slow the pace down.
  10. As Dr Bob Rotella says, look at your target, look at the ball, fire.
  11. Frank P

    Frank P
    Port St. Lucie, FL

    A doer for sure. If you start thinkin', you start stinkin'.
  12. Chuck Z

    Chuck Z
    Mt Pleasant, SC

    Am a doer when in the groove, but sometimes when I get out of it I tend to become a thinker and a stinker.
    Hyperactive mind thing. No a good thing when you been off for a year trying to come back.

    No mulligans allowed, always putt out and do not always hit driver on every par four/five.
  13. BCH


    I think about the shot I need, pick a target line, step in and align body to target...pull trigger. I find that too many preshot practice swings and extended set up is a hinderance to making a smooth pass at the ball. Occassionally, I'll think a positive preshot thought like chocolate milkshake, coffee ice cream...seems to relax me and relieve tension.

    I used to play with an uncle that I could literally fall asleep during his preshot routine...worse then Sergio's 18-20 waggles. Since then, I try to respect my playing partners time and fire fast.
  14. dugue4


    Think long, think wrong.

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