A word to the wise! Don't take their word for it!

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By Chuck Z

  • 14 Replies
  1. Chuck Z

    Chuck Z
    Mt Pleasant, SC


    I am a member of our club's Interclub team and we play eleven other teams from the Charleston area normally the first Monday of ever month. A great experience to play other courses and to meet other golfers. This past Monday the two gentlemen my partner and I were to play with ended being only a single. It is not match play, so we go out in foursomes and only total points counts. His partner that showed up said that he was not coming because he had COVID and that he had not been exposed to him in a few days and he was good. And I know you know where I am going. Come Wednesday, I went by my drug store to get my second booster and came home and had lunch, no systems. A few hours later started throwing up and thought I had food poisonings. Started aching and thought I was take the COVID tests we have at the house and BINGO, I have COVID. On Thursday went by the COVID testing center to confirm this test and yes I do. Five days in quarantine, meds and drinking lots of Poweraide. Point is I will never play with someone who tells me their buddy has COVID and they are sure they do not have it and hope this bit of advise is worth passing on. This is one heck of a hurting session, head, joints, chest. Fortunately, I have not been exposed to others. Have tried to contact my playing partner with no luck. =(

  2. Chuck Z

    Chuck Z
    Mt Pleasant, SC

    Contact was made with my playing partner and he took the home test and he was the lucky one. No covid. =)
  3. DSmith


    Hope you get well soon. I’m currently dealing with Covid myself. Can’t wait to be able to get back out on the course!
  4. I played with a guy last week that is proud to have never been vaccinated. He announced on the first tee that he had a little summer cold. Needless to say, I kept my distance.
  5. Abdon M

    Abdon M
    Northern California (because it's a big state)

    Get well soon. The fact that you have been vaccinated should help with your recovery.
  6. JAM


    The virus is still out there. If necessary drop out of your group. A couple of my family members, out of state, tested positive recently. It's not worth taking a chance.
  7. Amanda S

    Amanda S
    Richmond, Va

    As i was got into the elevator at my hotel this morning, two other people were in the elevator and the one said to me, thank you for, as she points to the mask, wearing this as she was a nurse from Nebraska here in LA, and i told her thank you for everything she’s done, as she exited.
  8. Frank P

    Frank P
    Port St. Lucie, FL

    People think that we are done with Covid. We are not. I still keep my distance, as needed and wear a mask indoors around people, like going into stores.
  9. Fred L

    Fred L

    Get Well Chuck! I just got over it end of May and was prescribed PAXLOVID and felt better in couple days..
  10. Dave N

    Dave N
    Dade City, FL

    Get well Chuck, how did you do in that round?
  11. Chuck Z

    Chuck Z
    Mt Pleasant, SC


    Dave N said:

    Get well Chuck, how did you do in that round?

    Did not play that well, but pulled my points for the team. There were only three of us on the team that pulled our on our ten person team. Not a very good showing. I was wrong about the number of clubs in the tournament league. There is actually thirteen and we are in 12th place YTD. Guess we are in it for the love of the game. Unless we pick up another club next year Berkeley Country Club will be dropping out. Sorry to see them leave. Still testing positive.
  12. JGutierrez

    New City, NY

    Hope your feeling better.
  13. Jim S

    Jim S
    East Point, GA

    Get well soon Chuck. I hope it is a mild case for you. When you get back to playing take it easy.
  14. Don O

    Don O
    Madison, WI

    Chuck - with your risk factors, I hope continue to improve.
    I had relatives from the Carolinas that first went to a wedding in Colorado then stopped here on the way back. Just another summer cold story. Fortunately, a total of 2-4 days of fatigue and a low grade fever to correlate with the + test.
  15. Chuck Z

    Chuck Z
    Mt Pleasant, SC

    You do have a way with words, Don...

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