Between the markers: A College Golfer Story

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By NHryn

  • 5 Replies
  1. NHryn

    Grampian, PA

    For those of you who knew me prior to taking a year or so off of the forums, you all know that was aspiring to a be a college golfer. For those who do not know me, it is nice to be back with you all again. As a self taught junior player and with very little accolades coming out of highschool I had to go market myself to schools because they would not be coming to me by any means. After carefully considering a large amount of offers from all divisions I went with a school very close to me called Mount Aloysius. It is a very small d3 school, with a very small budget, but it is home. So what does the average day look like for a D3 golfer? Is it as glamorous as a high D1 or have the perks that come with that? For any junior golfer on this page, I hope this gives you some great insight! Please read below\/

    The alarm clock rings…

    I wake up to the assignments my professors have assigned and roll out of bed to attend a morning team work out (usually 2-3 times a week) before classes start. Once at the gym, I do my workout concentrating on fast twitch muscles and core.

    After a shower and breakfast, I head to my classes where I have to carefully manage my time as I have practice towards mid afternoon. Time management, a skill that is necessary for this sport/academic endeavors.

    Once classes conclude I head to practice where I will be for the majority of the afternoon and until Dusk, hitting balls and getting my lesson in with my coach. Now for me, lessons are a struggle, I have always played off feel but I manage to get through it.

    Once practice is concluded I head back to campus if I have time before the dining hall shuts down, often stopping and getting food somewhere along the way because it is too late to eat on campus.

    I take another shower and begin working on my school work. I am president and founder of our business club so add this to the list…putting my bedtime close to a little before midnight to get up and do it all over again the next day.

    And here’s the real kicker, I wouldn’t trade it for the world!

    For me, I enjoy every bit of the process and work…it keeps me busy, it keeps me sharp. My biggest advice to any junior golfer is to have an outlet when playing in college and do not get caught up in the Division you play, if you don’t you will BURN OUT! Looking back at the handful of D2 and D1 offers I had I am happy I am where I am at, because after all I am where I need to be, playing golf and having fun..the whole reason I began this adventure.

    Thanks for reading and I will be sure to keep you all updated with my sophomore season

    Nate :)

  2. Abdon M

    Abdon M
    Northern California (because it's a big state)

    Congratulations Nate! You look to have a good attitude and a plan which generally translates to success. Good luck.
  3. Congrats Nate!

    Sounds like you are managing to learn something and have fun at the same time! Not a bad way to go through life.
  4. Steve S

    Steve S
    Tuckerton, NJ

    Great story Nate. Loved it. Keep up the great work. Hard work always pays off. Best if luck to you my friend.
    Play Well,
    Steve S.
  5. your story inspired me, Nate!
  6. NHryn said:

    For those of you who knew me prior to taking a year or so off of the forums, you all know that was aspiring to a be a college golfer. For those who do not know me, it is nice to be back with you all again. As a self taught junior player and with very little accolades coming out of highschool I had to go market myself to schools because they would not be coming to me by any means. After carefully considering a large amount of offers from all divisions I went with a school very close to me called Mount Aloysius. It is a very small d3 school, with a very small budget, but it is home. So what does the average day look like for a D3 golfer? Is it as glamorous as a high D1 or have the perks that come with that? For any junior golfer on this page, I hope this gives you some great insight! Please read below\/

    The alarm clock rings…

    I wake up to the assignments my professors have assigned and roll out of bed to attend a morning team work out (usually 2-3 times a week) before classes start. Once at the gym, I do my workout concentrating on fast twitch muscles and core.

    After a shower and breakfast, I head to my classes where I have to carefully manage my time as I have practice towards mid afternoon. Time management, a skill that is necessary for this sport/academic endeavors.

    Once classes conclude I head to practice where I will be for the majority of the afternoon and until Dusk, hitting balls and getting my lesson in with my coach. Now for me, lessons are a struggle, I have always played off feel but I manage to get through it.

    Once practice is concluded I head back to campus if I have time before the dining hall shuts down, often stopping and getting food somewhere along the way because it is too late to eat on campus.

    I take another shower and begin working on my school work. I am president and founder of our business club so add this to the list…putting my bedtime close to a little before midnight to get up and do it all over again the next day.

    And here’s the real kicker, I wouldn’t trade it for the world!

    For me, I enjoy every bit of the process and work…it keeps me busy, it keeps me sharp. My biggest advice to any junior golfer is to have an outlet when playing in college and do not get caught up in the Division you play, if you don’t you will BURN OUT! Looking back at the handful of D2 and D1 offers I had I am happy I am where I am at, because after all I am where I need to be, playing golf and having fun..the whole reason I began this adventure.

    Thanks for reading and I will be sure to keep you all updated with my sophomore season

    Nate :)

    Thank you for sharing!

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