Honing in the skillset

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By wormburner

  • 7 Replies
  1. wormburner


    Just wondering what you all practice/do/dream to get your game going. Do you spend hours on the range practicing long irons, short irons, the driver which we really use around 14 times, short game or putting.

    I usually practice putting every chance I get, and at the range usually short irons (wedges, and up to 8 iron), I usually hit the driver just to see ball flight, this is just to practice not before going on the course. If I'm really desperate I'll squeeze in a little more practice on the club that's giving me problems. Sometimes I just chuck it in the bag and the problem goes away.

    Remember, most of us are recreational golfers, so putting to me is most important. What do you think is most important, short game?

  2. Dale V

    Dale V
    Surprise AZ

    I'd say you have the textbook answers here. Every pro and instructor will tell you that us amateurs do not spend enough time practicing our short games. That said, if you are not trying to get much better but just want to enjoy the game, do whatever you think is fun. If that is to go to the range and just hit 100 drivers, go for it. As for what I personally do, I am now learning that the position drills I do in the house are helping me more than the days on the range. Aloha!
  3. Chuck Z

    Chuck Z
    Mt Pleasant, SC

    With father time, back and hip issues do not spend much time on the driving range. I only do it on the days that I play. Do spend at least one day a week with my PGA pro on the course and we go over my swing on the range before we tee off. I normally spend about thirty minutes before each round working on tempo, seeing what I have brought to the course that day. Normally warming up with a nine iron (which I hit the most to develop tempo), the a few with a six iron, hybrid, a couple of drives, with about six wedge shots to a target green, then about twenty of so putts, getting a feel for distances on the greens. The practice greens never match the ones on the course. I agree that the short game is most likely the most important, but have great recovery shots is right up there as well. My issues are normally the same. Alignment and tempo. My routine has helped me.
  4. Abdon M

    Abdon M
    Northern California (because it's a big state)

    I'm a big proponent of golf tracking devices and over the years they've added the SG (Strokes Gained) data to the mix. Some platforms are better than others, IMO and the one I use does a great job breaking down the information from the SG analysis. I use that information to see where my focus needs to be during my practice sessions. In addition, I have a portable launch monitor that gives me information on how consistent I am with my club and ball interactions.
  5. Guy W

    Guy W
    Statesville, NC

    My problem is that I don't practice enough. Need to get serious this year.
  6. JGutierrez

    New City, NY

    I usually go to the range. The range I go to has simulator (shot tracer) screens with courses and different game improving tools. I like it because it makes you switch clubs as you do playing on the course. Instead of just hitting the same club 20 times in a row. I do have to start putting more. Im just addicted to hitting a pure golf shot and watching it soar in the air lol.
  7. Todd T

    Todd T
    San Diego, CA

    Spend all free time in backyard in the bunker and putting green.. I hate bunkers, so I try to wear grooves out on wedges!
  8. Always start with a 5 iron at the range, go up and down the bag a bit from there, but really practice more wedges in the back yard on a regular basis. I should do more putting practice but finding time during the work week is hard to do.

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