PGA Championship

Follow Thread

By Dwayne N

  • 4 Replies
  1. Dwayne N

    Dwayne N
    Island, KY

    Headed to Valhalla next weekend to watch the PGA Championship in Louisville. Hometown Kentuckian and excited to see the pros in the state. Was wondering will there be any Team Titleist opportunities to participate in while there watching the pros do their thing? Or anything we can attend as Team Titleist exclusive members? Haven't seen anything posted just wondering. Thanks.

  2. Abdon M

    Abdon M
    Northern California (because it's a big state)

    It's not generally something that Titleist will do during pro events. If there's anything official it will be listed on the TT Events page. Of course, if TT members who will be attending want to do an impromptu gathering, announce it here because I suspect you will have more than a few interested parties. Enjoy watching the major!
  3. Turk H

    Turk H
    Big Stone Gap, Virginia

    I wanted to attend, but my party backed out. Enjoy yourself!
  4. I am headed that direction during the week but have not heard about any special events ...
  5. Dwayne N

    Dwayne N
    Island, KY

    Starting to get excited

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