Watch: TPI: Efficiency vs. Style

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By Rick V., Team Titleist Staff

  • 4 Replies
  1. Team Titleist Staff

    Hey, Team Titleist,

    Do you think there is such a thing as an ideal golf swing? For years, most traditional golf instruction operated under the assumption that there was. Teaching pros would share videos or swing sequence photos of their favorite players and encourage students to match the club and body positions they saw from the game's elite. Top-100 teacher Dave Phillips taught this way when he first started out, but he noticed something very troubling – half his students would improve, but half would not. Many would actually get worse. This problem prompted Dave to seek out Dr. Greg Rose, who was making some amazing discoveries in his study of athletic movement and performance in golf.

    Together, Dave and Greg founded the Titleist Performance Institute with the mission to offer players of all abilities a better way to improve based on the Body-Swing Connection. What Dave and Greg had found was that physical limitations have a huge impact on how a person can swing a golf club. By trying to get players to match static positions and look like tour pros, golf teachers had unwittingly been asking people to do things that were physically impossible. This is why half of the golfers Dave had seen were not improving. Their bodies were simply not capable.

    In the video above, Dave and Greg talk about this shift in understanding and how we are now able to build the best swings for ourselves as individuals, based on our unique physical skills and limitations. TPI has shown us that golfers improve when they build an efficient swing rather than a swing based on some idea of what pretty is. Said another way, how your swing works is more important than how your swing looks.

    According to Dave and Greg an efficient swing:

    1. Is repeatable
    2. Allows you to control ball flight
    3. Maximizes your potential for power

    Your first, best step? Find a TPI-certified professional and get a physical assessment. Then you can build an improvement plan that makes sense for YOU.

    Learn more about TPI and find a certified professional in your area here:

    Explore more topics and get the answers to even more of your golf-related questions at the Titleist Learning Lab:

  2. Joseph R

    Joseph R
    Pacific North West

    Thanks for this post. This is a great point of course. Listening and watching Dave and Dr Greg's many videos over the years has given me this way of thinking that my style = efficiency whilst 50% of the homework is invested in increasing my body's capacity for efficiency. I am looking forward to the VIP Fitting Day signups to be released!
  3. Don O

    Don O
    Madison, WI

    While carrying a candle to find an instructor that would help me, one indoor instruction site promoting the use of technology displayed Tiger as an example to go for. Tiger at his peak and me in my 60’s would never operate on the same plane. It was neat they could reverse the image so I could how much better he looked even LH than me.
    TPI evaluations show a couple of red areas that I will always need to work around. A much better starting point.
  4. Military
    Great information ,
  5. Darryl M

    Darryl M
    Wichita, KS

    Best way to approach getting better with your golf swing.


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