May 21, 2024 At 12:09 PM By Turner
Lou GSan Diego, CA
August 10, 2024 At 05:21 PM
Image on left is full-blown short irons. Image on right is basically an upgrade of my streamlined short irons. Been playing 46-10F, 54-10S, 60-14K and PM Grind 64/10 with loft spacing of 46-52-58-64 for quite some time. I now fare better with the 54-10S at 53*. The T100S 9 iron loft is 39*. Played 716CB 7 iron (32*) and 716MB 8 iron (39*) before. 58-12D and 60-06K in pic on left (58*) for Torrey Pines, etc. the 695MB lofts are 38-42.
RGarrisNew Bern NC
Chuck ZMt Pleasant, SC
Jon TIowa City / Cedar Rapids, Iowa
August 15, 2024 At 09:17 AM
My yardages are almost identical to yours, but my set up is as follows: PW 46* (125 stock) , GW 50* (115 stock), SW 54* (90 stock) , LW 58* (75 stock). I use my 54* almost exclusively around the green and for full shots up to 90 yards. The 58* only gets used when I have to get up in a hurry or flop it - maybe twice per round. I had a 60* as well at the beginning of the year, but found that I could do everything with the 58 and sold it to a buddy. I also hardly use my 54 and 58 for full swings; if I need to hit a 90 yard shot I'll take my 50* or my PW and choke down or open them up a little - I have a hard time not blading the short shafts. I've gotten pretty good with the 54 and use it for a variety of shots and yardages. I picked up the 50 last year off the shelf and didn't pay attention to the shaft weight - it's a 120g whereas everything else in the bag is 105, so it feels like swinging a telephone pole. I kind of it hate it and can't wait to dump it next year when I replace all my wedges after getting properly fit. I guess I'd advise this - find what works for you! The 4* offsets work pretty well for me (until they don't) and give me pretty good gapping. I haven't been fitted for wedges and have played with various lofts over the last couple of years to settle into this set up. Ideally, you go get fit - if not, play around and see what best suits your game.
Palmer CAshland, MA
August 22, 2024 At 06:54 PM
I put the lofts back to stock on the 60-14K and 60-04T. They actually perform much better. The image below is my carry bag. In place of the 60-14K and 60-04T I use a 60-06K. My iron lofts are 39-46-53-60-64. I had been using a loft of 52* for S grind for a year and a half.
August 24, 2024 At 11:19 PM
September 01, 2024 At 09:14 PM
What one sees in my thumbnail is a basic wedge setup. 46-54-60-64. The 54 loft is 56-12D 2* strong. The 60 is 60-06K. I also have for varying course conditions a 56-10S (54*) and 60-14K & 60-04T (Torrey Pines). Also played a few rounds with 54-10S (52*) and SM6 60-12K (58*). I returned the 50-08F and 58-12D. No added value. K grind 2* strong as a sand wedge has been a mainstay since 2017. In 2013 my wedge lineup was 54-11M, 58-06L and 64-07T. My PW was AP1.
September 15, 2024 At 03:39 PM
October 14, 2024 At 07:15 PM
My basic wedge setup is 44-49-54-60-64. 46-10F, 50-12F, 54-10S, 60-06K. I have a 58-12D (57*) as an in between high bounce wedge. For a carry bag, use an SM6 60-12K (59*). Also have 60-14K (58) and 62-08M (61) in place of D and low K for Torrey.
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