Pro V1 vs V1x

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By Karen F

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  • 7 Replies
  1. Karen F

    Karen F
    Caloundra, QLD


    Trying to work out which ball to use. Usually play Pro V1 as like the softer feel but probably should be playing pro v1x for the higher flight. Find the old Pro V1x quite hard. Haven’t tried to new ones as yet. Any thoughts?


  2. Dale V

    Dale V
    Surprise AZ

    I am happy to report that the new ProV1x does feel better. I too kept playing ProV1 for many years because I preferred to feel but after a Titleist ball fitting, was convinced to switch about 4 years ago. It took me around 6 months to adjust but the 2025 ProV1x comes closer to the old ProV1 I loved.
  3. Don O

    Don O
    Madison, WI

    Dale V said:

    I am happy to report that the new ProV1x does feel better. I too kept playing ProV1 for many years because I preferred to feel but after a Titleist ball fitting, was convinced to switch about 4 years ago. It took me around 6 months to adjust but the 2025 ProV1x comes closer to the old ProV1 I loved.

    Ditto to what Dale says. It doesn’t feel as soft as the V, but it is no Top Flight Distance ball for being rock hard.
  4. John M

    John M
    Asheville, North Carolina

    I never gave much thought about the differences between the ProV1 and the ProV1x until I did a real ball test at a grass driving range. Then I found out that I do not get enough spin using the ProV1 and should be using the ProV1x. So I've been using them since then.Today, I took advantage of the 4 for 3 dozen deal and ordered 4 dozen Pro V1x with my custom number.
  5. DK

    Northeastern, PA

    This is good to know. I have always played the X but I too thought there was too much of a "click" with the ball. Need to get my hands on the new ones and see the difference.
  6. gary h

    gary h
    Torrance, CA

    i'm looking for more stopping power chipping, so I've also made the change from ProV1 to ProV1X.
  7. I prefer ProV1 over X because I find the X has too much spin for my game. I move the ball depending on the shot needed and found the X would move too much. If you typically have a higher spin rate with your driver or irons X is not the ball for you. I get plenty of height and stopping power with the ProV1.
  8. Edward K

    Edward K
    Wesley Chapel, FL

    Depends on your swing speed. Feel is good and all, but if you have a faster swing speed, the X trajectory is significantly higher. Hence, most guys on the coastlines have a choice to make, softer feel or the lower spin/trajectory. There's a reason the Tour guys are almost split 50/50 most of the time.

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