Titleist Tips: A Better Way to Read Your Putts
2 minGreat putting is a combination of proper aim and proper speed, but as Titleist staff member James Sieckmann shares in this video, many amateurs have no chance based solely on where they stand when they get on the greens. As James explains, the #1 mistake amateurs make in green reading is positioning themselves directly in back of the golf ball, in line with the flagstick. Instead, you have to position yourself in back and to the side of your ball, in line with the widest point of the arc you imagine for the putt. By reading putts from the side, you're much better able to visualize the slope of the green and the true path your golf ball will roll on. You'll see the line better and your aim will immediately improve.
Give James' tip a try the next time you play and see how enhancing your perception will help you to hole more putts