Uneven Lie Above Your Feet
1 minIn this video, Titleist staff member Trillium Rose faces a shot that confounds many golfers - an iron approach where the ball is lying above her feet. This kind of sidehill lie can make solid contact a challenge. Even more of an issue, the slope will essentially change the lie angle of your club at address, pointing the face of your club left (for a right handed golfer). If you don't account for this, you can make a great swing and hit it dead left. Instead, use Trillium's adjustments to counteract the uneven lie and hit the green just as easily as if the ball were sitting on a tee.
1. Grip down slightly on the handle and take one more club than the yardage would typically call for.
2. Aim slightly right of your target to counteract the influence left that the lie will have on your golf ball's flight.
3. Keep your arms and hands loose and let your swing be governed by the turn of your body (a swing dominated by the hands and arms can result in inconsistent contact with the turf, which is a killer on uneven lies.)