Quick Poll: Do you prefer adjustable or fitted hats?

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By Mike D., Titleist Staff

  • 112 Replies
  1. Tom P

    Tom P
    Stanley, NC

    I prefer the adjustable for one simple reason.....it's adjustable. Plus more styles and colors are available in the adjustable models.
  2. Michael L

    Michael L

    I have a large hat size. The standard L-XL at retailers does not fit. They are also shallow and just don't cut it.
    Same for golf shoes and socks (size 1-14).
    Try to find these things at retail and you will grow frustrated.
  3. Sometimes I like the adjustability of a hat; loosening a little in really hot weather helps. However, a fitted hat that fits just right is also a great feeling hat.
  4. Bob R

    Bob R
    margate, NJ

    There's no 100% correct answer. Golf hats serve multiple purposes. In terms of looks andor style, fitted is best. On the other hand, flexibility "of fit" is a more practicle approach to the issue. On a windy day, it's necessary to tighten it and on a hot, muggy day, loosen it. I'll always opt for adjustable for those reasons. The exception being, an insulated winter hat with ear flaps.
  5. Yvonne C

    Yvonne C
    Clearwater, FL

    I like adjustable, because I have a pony tail. I prefer velcro.
  6. Sirhc

    Sacramento, CA

    Mike D., Team Titleist Manager said:

    It’s time for another quick poll, so let's jump into the subject of hats and which style everyone prefers. Personally, I've been wearing our new Tour Snapback hat lately and I love it. But I've also owned my fair share of fitted hats, so the question is, what is your style of choice? Vote below and share your feedback by adding a reply to the thread. 

    Actually, prefer a wide brim hat, but have a flex fit Titleist cap and Titleist aussie hat in the car as backups.
  7. I prefer the adjustable as on windy days I can tighen up the fit and on hot days you can loosen the fit making it very a bit cooler.
  8. Abby L.

    Abby L.
    Providence, RI

    Team Titleist Staff
    I have a pretty small head but love wearing the unisex hats, so I have to go with adjustable here!

    It's been fun reading through your comments, thanks as always for providing your feedback with us.

    All the best,
    Team Titleist Staff
  9. Jeff S

    Jeff S
    Jacksonville, FL

    I hope this means we're getting one step closer to being able to purchase the New Era fitted caps from Titleist the pros have had access to for years. Those fitted mesh back caps Charley Hoffman wears are legit.
    Post Image
  10. Daniel M

    Daniel M
    knoxville, TN

    Fitted is the only way I roll. Titleist fitted hats are the best. I wear a L/XL so sometimes it's hard to find a good fit. Wish there were more color choices.
  11. I wear the fitted hats. Ithink that they look the best.
  12. pulplvr

    Spring, TX

    I now prefer the adjustable to the fitted ball caps when I wear a ball cap. (I usually wear a broad-brimmed straw hat, OSFA.) Here in southeast Texas, one perspires a lot, and I mean a lot. I've found that the fitted caps, after a few wearings can get puckered along the fitted rim of the cap, making it uncomfortable to wear and leaving odd marks on my forehead. (I have the same problem with the OSFA straw hats.) With the adjustable caps, I avoid that issue entirely. I just have to be sure I put lots of suntan lotion on the part of my head under the opening at the back of the hat to keep my dermatologist happy.
  13. Austin V

    Austin V
    Atlanta, GA

    I prefer the fitted style more comfortable better fit. Looks more stylish
  14. Fitted...No question. Especially since the flex fit...with breathable mesh came out.
  15. Fitted is the way! It looks much nicer and refine.
  16. I prefer fitted. I was really disappointed that the best MLB hats you've made, the MLB Fitted Hat - 2016, didn't come in S/M.
  17. Aloha Bruce

    Aloha Bruce
    Sunnyvale, CA

    I prefer fitted but I do have some adjustable Titleist hats.
  18. Declan F

    Declan F
    Wexford, Ireland

    Has to be adjustable hats for me, those fitted ones are way to tight and I often end up with headaches.
  19. David D

    David D
    Arlington, TX

    Fitted hats just feel better. Regardless of how and adjustable is adjustable, that foreign piece of plastic or metal is not as comfortable.
  20. Charles K

    Charles K
    Scottsdale, AZ

    Depends entirely on manufacturer. Ahead has become my go to after years of being an Imperial guy. Unstructured, the Extreme Fit is the hat that I truly enjoy.
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