On the course

Follow Thread

By Lori E

  • 23 Replies
  1. Don O

    Don O
    Madison, WI

    Pace of play is my only pet peeve with others. I'm by nature stubborn, so is also my fault of dogged determination to continue to grind. I need to just pick up the ball at par more often if not on or at least near the green. Works both ways. I guess watching Kevin Na struggle to get a 13 on a par 4 years ago was a bad influence. My first goal for 2021 is to not get to that many strokes (random bad hole). My second goal is to follow the par rule.

    I also notice low single digit players can have a look of disdain when the starter puts me with them and I move up a tee. It's called a public course for a reason. They should have foursomes if that is an issue. It doesn't intimidate me, but it sure makes the round less fun.

    Although a woman that can outdrive me by 30 yards can be intimidating. ;-)
  2. Nate M

    Nate M
    West Michigan

    I always want to play well.

    When I get paired with someone I get along with well (even if I don't know them), I usually play well. When I'm paired up with someone I don't mesh with or are just really poor golfers, I usually play worse. I'm sure some of it is mental, but also going so long between shots starts to wear on me. I also don't mind playing with women, though it's extremely rare that I get paired up with any
  3. JESUS D

    Dripping Springs, TX

    I will admit, I do try to break the ice socially with the beginners. I find they tend to be nervous the first few holes but settle down after a couple. I remember when I was starting I would play better when people were more talkative easy going.

    As for playing with women, I think it depends. If I know the women I don't really treat them any differently than I do with the boys. If I don't know the women I will try to break the ice but by the turn I know what they are like and we can crack jokes.

    The issue that has become tiresome has been how much strangers enjoy speaking of politics. I am an young guy, with an old school mentality. politics is something I keep up with and educate myself on but I don't get enjoyment by speaking about it to strangers nor do I care what anyone else's thoughts are on subjects. I am the smile and nod guy when someone speaks of it but guys I have been paired up with lately have been all about it. A sign of the times I guess.
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