Golf struggle

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By Alex

  • 29 Replies
  1. John B

    John B
    Kenmore, NY

    I take a couple of days off and go back to what I call my personal par based on my handicap. I circle the holes I am supposed to bogey on the card and then play 18 games. I play each hole as its own game trying to get my targeted score based on the handicap strokes and where they fall. This mental approach has always worked for me to get me on track. It works better for me than trying to play the one shot at a time approach. If I have a bad hole on #6, then I just go and say to myself ok game #7. It also keeps me less focused on a total score.

    Good Luck!
  2. Chuck Z

    Chuck Z
    Mt Pleasant, SC

    Seems that my issues, according to my coach, has to do with alignment and speed. So sometimes can be corrected on the course, if the wind is no blowing thirty miles an hour off the river. He works at our course and we talk just about every day, when he is on duty. Always asks me how I did and we go over mistakes. Even at my age, everyone needs a coach and positive reinforcement. =)
  3. Dan Hill

    Dan Hill
    Decatur, IL

    I'm currently in the same boat. I have been hitting it good but can't post a low score to save my life. I have a couple blow up holes per round and can't get out of the 90's. All last year I never went higher than 89. Not sure what's going on! Haha, over the weekend I knocked it 3 feet from the pin on a long Par 3. Birdie. But carded a 95. Course I never played before and it was a little narrow but still.
  4. We all strive for a consistent game, but so much of the game is more than the collection of seconds we're swinging a club in the round. And while I've struggled with a consistent swing, like everyone it seems, I know I need to work on more than that swing.

    Coaches and performance people will talk about being process oriented, not outcomes oriented, and to establish specific routines for tee shots, irons, and putts. Here are a couple books a MacKenzie tour pro recently recommended to me...

    "Be A Player" by Pia and Lynn of Vision54 is a good book for establishing routines.

    "Fearless Golf" by Gino Valente is good for being process oriented vs. outcomes oriented.

    Good luck, Team!
  5. scooterhd


    Dont be afraid to play golf with a shortened up swing. When Im struggling I go to a Tommy Fleetwood esque swing. L to L, 3/4, 9 to 3, whatever you want to call it. Almost feels like hitting punch shots, but helps me feel back in sync again.
  6. Scott C.

    Scott C.
    Irvine, CA

    When I start to struggle with the irons, I have a go to drill that usually helps me find the grove again. I put a put fully in the ground about 1 - 1.5" in front of the ball and simply focus on taking that tee out. My struggle can be lifting up and catching it thin. This just forces me to stay down and in the swing. Everyone probably has a common rut, it just helps to know what can pull you out.
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