July 10, 2024 At 12:52 PM By Allan
Kevin RFlorida
Dr. JohnFrederick, MD
Rick V., Team Titleist StaffDuxbury, MA
July 15, 2024 At 12:34 PM
Thank you Titleist for creating this useful resource. It is so confusing to have abbreviations and acronyms thrown at us nowadays and it is helpful to understand what certain terms mean when something like COI is thrown up in discussion. The Learning Lab with be of great assistance. Will members of TT be able to ask questions in the Learning Lab?
Yes, absolutely. If you click on any individual article, you'll see a box in the right margin that allows you to submit questions and ideas for future topics.
We've also discussed the possibility of adding a comments section to individual article pages. Is that something you'd like to see in the future?
scott asouderton, PA
Matt G
Jim SFort Myers Florida
Jason VRye, NY
Franklin L
Michael O
ROCSunshine Coast
Robby PMurrells Inlet, SC
Scott HDel Mar, CA
Richard M
July 10, 2024 At 12:52 PM
Hi Team Titleist, Our team behind the scenes has been working non-stop on a new Titleist.com experience and we're excited to bring it to you all first! So, without further ado... we would like to give you early access to the Titleist Learning Lab - a centralized knowledge hub where golfers can find the answers to just about all of their golf-related questions and even more insights straight from our team of thought leaders. And because the Learning Lab was created with golfers like you in mind, we want to hear your feedback! So head on over to the lab, check it out, explore and then let us know what you think. What did you like? What would you like to see improved? What are the other questions do you want us to answer? What other feedback do you have? Submit a question directly on the Learning Lab site or in a comment below. We want to hear it all. Explore the Learning Lab: titleist.com/learning-lab Thanks as always for being a part of Team Titleist and thanks in advance for helping us make this experience even better.
Hi Team Titleist,
Our team behind the scenes has been working non-stop on a new Titleist.com experience and we're excited to bring it to you all first! So, without further ado... we would like to give you early access to the Titleist Learning Lab - a centralized knowledge hub where golfers can find the answers to just about all of their golf-related questions and even more insights straight from our team of thought leaders.
And because the Learning Lab was created with golfers like you in mind, we want to hear your feedback! So head on over to the lab, check it out, explore and then let us know what you think.
What did you like? What would you like to see improved? What are the other questions do you want us to answer? What other feedback do you have? Submit a question directly on the Learning Lab site or in a comment below. We want to hear it all.
Explore the Learning Lab: titleist.com/learning-lab
Thanks as always for being a part of Team Titleist and thanks in advance for helping us make this experience even better.
Walter AOceanside, CA
Geno E
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