2025 White Box Prototype Testing (Official Discussion)

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By Allan

  • 96 Replies
  1. Greg T

    Greg T
    Chesapeake, VA

    got a sleeve of each and played both over the summer and fall. both were longer then previous versions and what I noticed the most, what stood out to me is that my misses were straighter. I have a right to left ball flight and I have a tendancy to leave the face open a bit and that would normally go off line to the right 10 yards and this prototype only went off line 5 yards which is the difference of being in the right fairway and the right rough. spin was about the same on both versions versus previous versions in the simualtor for me and I have always been a lower spin player than most. I play the ProV1 for my game because I prefer the feel and flight with my equipment set up.
  2. Military
    I compared the ProV1 proto to the ProV1 left dot I use (& am running out of :O). I found it to have many of the same characteristics which makes going to the new ball very exciting! It's going to be a great season. Short game results excellent & great feel all around!
  3. Just added the 25 prov can’t wait love the small differences every year just wish left dot was more obtainable
  4. Such a smooth ball that prov1
  5. Great golf balls. Feel is tremendous. Tried all the new brands and they aren’t close in feel or distance. Anyone not playing these new balls are at a huge disadvantage.
  6. Finally got the chance to test the white box prototypes this week and really liked them! One of most pure feeling balls off my irons and driver. The feel off my putter wasn’t perfect, but the roll was still solid.
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