Favorite time to play golf?

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By Mike r

  • 23 Replies
  1. I used to prefer to play mid to late afternoons because I like to walk and I like to play solo.

    However, this past year, I started playing a different course on a regular basis which has a great walking "culture" in general which is great but it's a very popular course so now I like to get out as early as possible to avoid the 5+ hour rounds. I'll go off at 7am if I can. I don't get to play solo anymore but that's fine - I actually enjoy getting paired up. I have found that the early morning tee times by and large are taken up by more "dedicated" golfers (for lack of a better word) and I like to play with that crowd.
  2. Darryl M

    Darryl M
    Wichita, KS

    I prefer the early morning rounds, typically I can finish before the winds start to get in the 15-25 mph range.

    But I work nights so evenings really don't work.

    The weekends I don't play because our courses will put small groups together to make 5somes and that kills a round of golf.
    So, I play 18 before work during the week. The ones on the course are the ones that understand golf and how to keep pace of play fluid.

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